[Sursound] Numinous3D headphone disco
Oliver Larkin
2017-11-03 11:58:00 UTC
Dear surr-sounders,

Please check out a website I made numinous3d.com <http://numinous3d.com/> where I have done a 3D mix of a friend's track (which is currently in the top 10 on beatport.com <http://beatport.com/> psychedelic trance section**). The website is and interactive VR experience which transports you to the SPIRAL studio at the University of Huddersfield, UK where I mixed the piece in HOA. It includes some fascinating visualisation of the HOA soundfield done with Blue Ripple Sound’s O3A Flare (thanks Richard!). Be warned that the website is a bit slow to load and works best on desktop chrome/firefox (recent version). it does work for me with my iphone and google cardboard when I have a decent internet connection*. It also works well on desktop windows with the HTC Vive in Firefox. On the website you will hear a two channel binaural mix that I have done by re-recording different elements of the HOA mix in the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab (APL) listening room using a Neumann KU100 dummy head, and mixing that with direct sound (kick & bass) and 5OA decoded to binaural, where the room impression from the KU100 didn't work.

You can also listen to that binaural mix on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/olilarkin/pogo-sonicspecies-numinous-3d-binaural-mix <https://soundcloud.com/olilarkin/pogo-sonicspecies-numinous-3d-binaural-mix>

I've uploaded a 360 video version to both facebook and youtube, which both use head tracked binauralisers. There I am a bit less in control of the mix. It's interesting how different the bass and spatialisation sounds on facebook (where I've uploaded 2nd order Ambix audio) versus youtube (where I've uploaded 1st order Ambix audio)

Youtube 360 version:

Facebook 360 version: http://goo.gl/9kZG5V <http://goo.gl/9kZG5V>

If anyone would like the high quality, uncompressed versions of the binaural mix or 1OA -> 5OA files to play in your studio please contact me directly.

I'm very interested to hear your feedback on this. If you “like” it please do click the button on facebook / soundcloud / youtube!

best regards,

Oli Larkin

www.olilarkin.co.uk <http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/>

* the music is 8 minutes long and is supplied as stereo track in a webm/mp4 video file. the video file is ~20 mb (webm) / ~40mb (mp4) . Originally I wanted to include options to render head tracked binaural on the website using omnitone.js, but I wasn’t able to implement that at this stage. What I really should do is do the visualisation as a shader thus losing the video, and meaning that 8 minutes of 16 channel TOA is reasonable.

** https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630 <https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630>
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Augustine Leudar
2017-11-03 15:27:23 UTC
looks and sounds great Oli its nice to see the technology used for other
experimental genres and not just electroacoustic music :) We've been doing
quite a bit of 3D audio techno, ambient and dub this year at festivals and
events - its going down amazingly well (especially live!) - maybe we should
organise an event together.....
Post by Oliver Larkin
Dear surr-sounders,
Please check out a website I made numinous3d.com <http://numinous3d.com/>
where I have done a 3D mix of a friend's track (which is currently in the
top 10 on beatport.com <http://beatport.com/> psychedelic trance
section**). The website is and interactive VR experience which transports
you to the SPIRAL studio at the University of Huddersfield, UK where I
mixed the piece in HOA. It includes some fascinating visualisation of the
HOA soundfield done with Blue Ripple Sound’s O3A Flare (thanks Richard!).
Be warned that the website is a bit slow to load and works best on desktop
chrome/firefox (recent version). it does work for me with my iphone and
google cardboard when I have a decent internet connection*. It also works
well on desktop windows with the HTC Vive in Firefox. On the website you
will hear a two channel binaural mix that I have done by re-recording
different elements of the HOA mix in the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab (APL)
listening room using a Neumann KU100 dummy head, and mixing that with
direct sound (kick & bass) and 5OA decoded to binaural, where the room
impression from the KU100 didn't work.
numinous-3d-binaural-mix <https://soundcloud.com/
I've uploaded a 360 video version to both facebook and youtube, which both
use head tracked binauralisers. There I am a bit less in control of the
mix. It's interesting how different the bass and spatialisation sounds on
facebook (where I've uploaded 2nd order Ambix audio) versus youtube (where
I've uploaded 1st order Ambix audio)
Youtube 360 version: http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k <
Facebook 360 version: http://goo.gl/9kZG5V <http://goo.gl/9kZG5V>
If anyone would like the high quality, uncompressed versions of the
binaural mix or 1OA -> 5OA files to play in your studio please contact me
I'm very interested to hear your feedback on this. If you “like” it please
do click the button on facebook / soundcloud / youtube!
best regards,
Oli Larkin
www.olilarkin.co.uk <http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/>
* the music is 8 minutes long and is supplied as stereo track in a
webm/mp4 video file. the video file is ~20 mb (webm) / ~40mb (mp4) .
Originally I wanted to include options to render head tracked binaural on
the website using omnitone.js, but I wasn’t able to implement that at this
stage. What I really should do is do the visualisation as a shader thus
losing the video, and meaning that 8 minutes of 16 channel TOA is
** https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630 <
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Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
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Augustine Leudar
2017-11-03 15:35:16 UTC
In terms of the binaural effect - I liked the the way the localisation of
sounds changes as you moved the image around (didnt realise that it did
that till half way through). However I only really got the ILDs and ITDs an
no sense of height no doubt due to the well known issues surround
individual HRTFs - and my ears a bit of a weird shape anyway.....
Post by Augustine Leudar
looks and sounds great Oli its nice to see the technology used for other
experimental genres and not just electroacoustic music :) We've been doing
quite a bit of 3D audio techno, ambient and dub this year at festivals and
events - its going down amazingly well (especially live!) - maybe we should
organise an event together.....
Post by Oliver Larkin
Dear surr-sounders,
Please check out a website I made numinous3d.com <http://numinous3d.com/>
where I have done a 3D mix of a friend's track (which is currently in the
top 10 on beatport.com <http://beatport.com/> psychedelic trance
section**). The website is and interactive VR experience which transports
you to the SPIRAL studio at the University of Huddersfield, UK where I
mixed the piece in HOA. It includes some fascinating visualisation of the
HOA soundfield done with Blue Ripple Sound’s O3A Flare (thanks Richard!).
Be warned that the website is a bit slow to load and works best on desktop
chrome/firefox (recent version). it does work for me with my iphone and
google cardboard when I have a decent internet connection*. It also works
well on desktop windows with the HTC Vive in Firefox. On the website you
will hear a two channel binaural mix that I have done by re-recording
different elements of the HOA mix in the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab (APL)
listening room using a Neumann KU100 dummy head, and mixing that with
direct sound (kick & bass) and 5OA decoded to binaural, where the room
impression from the KU100 didn't work.
3d-binaural-mix <https://soundcloud.com/olilar
I've uploaded a 360 video version to both facebook and youtube, which
both use head tracked binauralisers. There I am a bit less in control of
the mix. It's interesting how different the bass and spatialisation sounds
on facebook (where I've uploaded 2nd order Ambix audio) versus youtube
(where I've uploaded 1st order Ambix audio)
Youtube 360 version: http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k <
Facebook 360 version: http://goo.gl/9kZG5V <http://goo.gl/9kZG5V>
If anyone would like the high quality, uncompressed versions of the
binaural mix or 1OA -> 5OA files to play in your studio please contact me
I'm very interested to hear your feedback on this. If you “like” it
please do click the button on facebook / soundcloud / youtube!
best regards,
Oli Larkin
www.olilarkin.co.uk <http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/>
* the music is 8 minutes long and is supplied as stereo track in a
webm/mp4 video file. the video file is ~20 mb (webm) / ~40mb (mp4) .
Originally I wanted to include options to render head tracked binaural on
the website using omnitone.js, but I wasn’t able to implement that at this
stage. What I really should do is do the visualisation as a shader thus
losing the video, and meaning that 8 minutes of 16 channel TOA is
** https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630 <
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Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
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Augustine Leudar
2017-11-03 15:46:29 UTC
PS of the 3 I think the youtube one spatialised best for me - hard to tell
with the facebook on as it had problems loading - but the youtube version
seemed to work better for me than the website version - not sure why that
should be.
Post by Augustine Leudar
In terms of the binaural effect - I liked the the way the localisation of
sounds changes as you moved the image around (didnt realise that it did
that till half way through). However I only really got the ILDs and ITDs an
no sense of height no doubt due to the well known issues surround
individual HRTFs - and my ears a bit of a weird shape anyway.....
Post by Augustine Leudar
looks and sounds great Oli its nice to see the technology used for other
experimental genres and not just electroacoustic music :) We've been doing
quite a bit of 3D audio techno, ambient and dub this year at festivals and
events - its going down amazingly well (especially live!) - maybe we should
organise an event together.....
Post by Oliver Larkin
Dear surr-sounders,
Please check out a website I made numinous3d.com <http://numinous3d.com/>
where I have done a 3D mix of a friend's track (which is currently in the
top 10 on beatport.com <http://beatport.com/> psychedelic trance
section**). The website is and interactive VR experience which transports
you to the SPIRAL studio at the University of Huddersfield, UK where I
mixed the piece in HOA. It includes some fascinating visualisation of the
HOA soundfield done with Blue Ripple Sound’s O3A Flare (thanks Richard!).
Be warned that the website is a bit slow to load and works best on desktop
chrome/firefox (recent version). it does work for me with my iphone and
google cardboard when I have a decent internet connection*. It also works
well on desktop windows with the HTC Vive in Firefox. On the website you
will hear a two channel binaural mix that I have done by re-recording
different elements of the HOA mix in the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab (APL)
listening room using a Neumann KU100 dummy head, and mixing that with
direct sound (kick & bass) and 5OA decoded to binaural, where the room
impression from the KU100 didn't work.
3d-binaural-mix <https://soundcloud.com/olilar
I've uploaded a 360 video version to both facebook and youtube, which
both use head tracked binauralisers. There I am a bit less in control of
the mix. It's interesting how different the bass and spatialisation sounds
on facebook (where I've uploaded 2nd order Ambix audio) versus youtube
(where I've uploaded 1st order Ambix audio)
Youtube 360 version: http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k <
Facebook 360 version: http://goo.gl/9kZG5V <http://goo.gl/9kZG5V>
If anyone would like the high quality, uncompressed versions of the
binaural mix or 1OA -> 5OA files to play in your studio please contact me
I'm very interested to hear your feedback on this. If you “like” it
please do click the button on facebook / soundcloud / youtube!
best regards,
Oli Larkin
www.olilarkin.co.uk <http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/>
* the music is 8 minutes long and is supplied as stereo track in a
webm/mp4 video file. the video file is ~20 mb (webm) / ~40mb (mp4) .
Originally I wanted to include options to render head tracked binaural on
the website using omnitone.js, but I wasn’t able to implement that at this
stage. What I really should do is do the visualisation as a shader thus
losing the video, and meaning that 8 minutes of 16 channel TOA is
** https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630 <
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edit account or options, view archives and so on.
Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
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Oliver Larkin
2017-11-03 19:11:38 UTC
thanks gus, glad you like it! i’d still like to hear that spatial dub…

to me the bass sounds unpleasant on FB360, and I don’t get much benefit from it being 2nd order. I prefer youtube. The binaural dummy head sounds most externalised, but i have sat in the spot where it was recorded and listened on nice open back headphones. It’s amazing how listening in different environments i can easily loose the externalisation.

I think omnitone.js will let me use my own KU100 HRIRs measured in the space so that might be the way forward, once i can integrate that in the web version

Post by Augustine Leudar
PS of the 3 I think the youtube one spatialised best for me - hard to tell
with the facebook on as it had problems loading - but the youtube version
seemed to work better for me than the website version - not sure why that
should be.
Post by Augustine Leudar
In terms of the binaural effect - I liked the the way the localisation of
sounds changes as you moved the image around (didnt realise that it did
that till half way through). However I only really got the ILDs and ITDs an
no sense of height no doubt due to the well known issues surround
individual HRTFs - and my ears a bit of a weird shape anyway.....
Post by Augustine Leudar
looks and sounds great Oli its nice to see the technology used for other
experimental genres and not just electroacoustic music :) We've been doing
quite a bit of 3D audio techno, ambient and dub this year at festivals and
events - its going down amazingly well (especially live!) - maybe we should
organise an event together.....
Post by Oliver Larkin
Dear surr-sounders,
Please check out a website I made numinous3d.com <http://numinous3d.com/>
where I have done a 3D mix of a friend's track (which is currently in the
top 10 on beatport.com <http://beatport.com/> psychedelic trance
section**). The website is and interactive VR experience which transports
you to the SPIRAL studio at the University of Huddersfield, UK where I
mixed the piece in HOA. It includes some fascinating visualisation of the
HOA soundfield done with Blue Ripple Sound’s O3A Flare (thanks Richard!).
Be warned that the website is a bit slow to load and works best on desktop
chrome/firefox (recent version). it does work for me with my iphone and
google cardboard when I have a decent internet connection*. It also works
well on desktop windows with the HTC Vive in Firefox. On the website you
will hear a two channel binaural mix that I have done by re-recording
different elements of the HOA mix in the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab (APL)
listening room using a Neumann KU100 dummy head, and mixing that with
direct sound (kick & bass) and 5OA decoded to binaural, where the room
impression from the KU100 didn't work.
3d-binaural-mix <https://soundcloud.com/olilar
I've uploaded a 360 video version to both facebook and youtube, which
both use head tracked binauralisers. There I am a bit less in control of
the mix. It's interesting how different the bass and spatialisation sounds
on facebook (where I've uploaded 2nd order Ambix audio) versus youtube
(where I've uploaded 1st order Ambix audio)
Youtube 360 version: http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k <
Facebook 360 version: http://goo.gl/9kZG5V <http://goo.gl/9kZG5V>
If anyone would like the high quality, uncompressed versions of the
binaural mix or 1OA -> 5OA files to play in your studio please contact me
I'm very interested to hear your feedback on this. If you “like” it
please do click the button on facebook / soundcloud / youtube!
best regards,
Oli Larkin
www.olilarkin.co.uk <http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/>
* the music is 8 minutes long and is supplied as stereo track in a
webm/mp4 video file. the video file is ~20 mb (webm) / ~40mb (mp4) .
Originally I wanted to include options to render head tracked binaural on
the website using omnitone.js, but I wasn’t able to implement that at this
stage. What I really should do is do the visualisation as a shader thus
losing the video, and meaning that 8 minutes of 16 channel TOA is
** https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630 <
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edit account or options, view archives and so on.
Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
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Stefan Schreiber
2017-11-04 17:56:58 UTC
Post by Oliver Larkin
thanks gus, glad you like it! i’d still like to hear that spatial dub…
to me the bass sounds unpleasant on FB360, and I don’t get much benefit from it being 2nd order. I prefer youtube. The binaural dummy head sounds most externalised, but i have sat in the spot where it was recorded and listened on nice open back headphones. It’s amazing how listening in different environments i can easily loose the externalisation.
I think omnitone.js will let me use my own KU100 HRIRs measured in the space so that might be the way forward, once i can integrate that in the web version
Hi Oli...

Omnitone uses 256-tap HRIRs, which are HRTFs. An Ambisonics recording
would already include hall ambience - but Omnitone HRIRs don't include
any hall response.

You would like to record KU100 < BRIRs >. So you would have to change
Omnitone's renderer to allow long HRIRs= BRIRs

I don't say things can't be done in this way - but you would have to
spend a lot of effort.


Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
PS of the 3 I think the youtube one spatialised best for me - hard to tell
with the facebook on as it had problems loading - but the youtube version
seemed to work better for me than the website version - not sure why that
should be.
Post by Augustine Leudar
In terms of the binaural effect - I liked the the way the localisation of
sounds changes as you moved the image around (didnt realise that it did
that till half way through). However I only really got the ILDs and ITDs an
no sense of height no doubt due to the well known issues surround
individual HRTFs - and my ears a bit of a weird shape anyway.....
Post by Augustine Leudar
looks and sounds great Oli its nice to see the technology used for other
experimental genres and not just electroacoustic music :) We've been doing
quite a bit of 3D audio techno, ambient and dub this year at festivals and
events - its going down amazingly well (especially live!) - maybe we should
organise an event together.....
Post by Oliver Larkin
Dear surr-sounders,
Please check out a website I made numinous3d.com <http://numinous3d.com/>
where I have done a 3D mix of a friend's track (which is currently in the
top 10 on beatport.com <http://beatport.com/> psychedelic trance
section**). The website is and interactive VR experience which transports
you to the SPIRAL studio at the University of Huddersfield, UK where I
mixed the piece in HOA. It includes some fascinating visualisation of the
HOA soundfield done with Blue Ripple Sound’s O3A Flare (thanks Richard!).
Be warned that the website is a bit slow to load and works best on desktop
chrome/firefox (recent version). it does work for me with my iphone and
google cardboard when I have a decent internet connection*. It also works
well on desktop windows with the HTC Vive in Firefox. On the website you
will hear a two channel binaural mix that I have done by re-recording
different elements of the HOA mix in the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab (APL)
listening room using a Neumann KU100 dummy head, and mixing that with
direct sound (kick & bass) and 5OA decoded to binaural, where the room
impression from the KU100 didn't work.
3d-binaural-mix <https://soundcloud.com/olilar
I've uploaded a 360 video version to both facebook and youtube, which
both use head tracked binauralisers. There I am a bit less in control of
the mix. It's interesting how different the bass and spatialisation sounds
on facebook (where I've uploaded 2nd order Ambix audio) versus youtube
(where I've uploaded 1st order Ambix audio)
Youtube 360 version: http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k <
Facebook 360 version: http://goo.gl/9kZG5V <http://goo.gl/9kZG5V>
If anyone would like the high quality, uncompressed versions of the
binaural mix or 1OA -> 5OA files to play in your studio please contact me
I'm very interested to hear your feedback on this. If you “like” it
please do click the button on facebook / soundcloud / youtube!
best regards,
Oli Larkin
www.olilarkin.co.uk <http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/>
* the music is 8 minutes long and is supplied as stereo track in a
webm/mp4 video file. the video file is ~20 mb (webm) / ~40mb (mp4) .
Originally I wanted to include options to render head tracked binaural on
the website using omnitone.js, but I wasn’t able to implement that at this
stage. What I really should do is do the visualisation as a shader thus
losing the video, and meaning that 8 minutes of 16 channel TOA is
Oliver Larkin
2017-11-04 23:10:06 UTC
Thanks Stefan, yes that's what I meant. Ill experiment with omnitone and
see how far I can get.
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Oliver Larkin
thanks gus, glad you like it! i’d still like to hear that spatial dub…
to me the bass sounds unpleasant on FB360, and I don’t get much benefit
from it being 2nd order. I prefer youtube. The binaural dummy head sounds
most externalised, but i have sat in the spot where it was recorded and
listened on nice open back headphones. It’s amazing how listening in
different environments i can easily loose the externalisation.
Post by Oliver Larkin
I think omnitone.js will let me use my own KU100 HRIRs measured in the
space so that might be the way forward, once i can integrate that in the
web version
Post by Oliver Larkin
Hi Oli...
Omnitone uses 256-tap HRIRs, which are HRTFs. An Ambisonics recording
would already include hall ambience - but Omnitone HRIRs don't include
any hall response.
You would like to record KU100 < BRIRs >. So you would have to change
Omnitone's renderer to allow long HRIRs= BRIRs
I don't say things can't be done in this way - but you would have to
spend a lot of effort.
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
PS of the 3 I think the youtube one spatialised best for me - hard to
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
with the facebook on as it had problems loading - but the youtube version
seemed to work better for me than the website version - not sure why that
should be.
Post by Augustine Leudar
In terms of the binaural effect - I liked the the way the localisation
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
sounds changes as you moved the image around (didnt realise that it did
that till half way through). However I only really got the ILDs and
ITDs an
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
no sense of height no doubt due to the well known issues surround
individual HRTFs - and my ears a bit of a weird shape anyway.....
On 3 November 2017 at 15:27, Augustine Leudar <
Post by Augustine Leudar
looks and sounds great Oli its nice to see the technology used for
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
experimental genres and not just electroacoustic music :) We've been
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
quite a bit of 3D audio techno, ambient and dub this year at festivals
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
events - its going down amazingly well (especially live!) - maybe we
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
organise an event together.....
Post by Oliver Larkin
Dear surr-sounders,
Please check out a website I made numinous3d.com <
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
where I have done a 3D mix of a friend's track (which is currently in
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
top 10 on beatport.com <http://beatport.com/> psychedelic trance
section**). The website is and interactive VR experience which
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
you to the SPIRAL studio at the University of Huddersfield, UK where I
mixed the piece in HOA. It includes some fascinating visualisation of
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
HOA soundfield done with Blue Ripple Sound’s O3A Flare (thanks
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
Be warned that the website is a bit slow to load and works best on
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
chrome/firefox (recent version). it does work for me with my iphone
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
google cardboard when I have a decent internet connection*. It also
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
well on desktop windows with the HTC Vive in Firefox. On the website
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
will hear a two channel binaural mix that I have done by re-recording
different elements of the HOA mix in the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
listening room using a Neumann KU100 dummy head, and mixing that with
direct sound (kick & bass) and 5OA decoded to binaural, where the room
impression from the KU100 didn't work.
3d-binaural-mix <https://soundcloud.com/olilar
I've uploaded a 360 video version to both facebook and youtube, which
both use head tracked binauralisers. There I am a bit less in control
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
the mix. It's interesting how different the bass and spatialisation
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
on facebook (where I've uploaded 2nd order Ambix audio) versus youtube
(where I've uploaded 1st order Ambix audio)
Youtube 360 version: http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k <
Facebook 360 version: http://goo.gl/9kZG5V <http://goo.gl/9kZG5V>
If anyone would like the high quality, uncompressed versions of the
binaural mix or 1OA -> 5OA files to play in your studio please
contact me
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
I'm very interested to hear your feedback on this. If you “like” it
please do click the button on facebook / soundcloud / youtube!
best regards,
Oli Larkin
www.olilarkin.co.uk <http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/>
* the music is 8 minutes long and is supplied as stereo track in a
webm/mp4 video file. the video file is ~20 mb (webm) / ~40mb (mp4) .
Originally I wanted to include options to render head tracked
binaural on
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
the website using omnitone.js, but I wasn’t able to implement that at
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
stage. What I really should do is do the visualisation as a shader
Post by Oliver Larkin
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Augustine Leudar
Post by Oliver Larkin
losing the video, and meaning that 8 minutes of 16 channel TOA is
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Søren Bendixen
2017-11-05 09:41:07 UTC
Very cool.
Post by Oliver Larkin
Dear surr-sounders,
Please check out a website I made numinous3d.com <http://numinous3d.com/> where I have done a 3D mix of a friend's track (which is currently in the top 10 on beatport.com <http://beatport.com/> psychedelic trance section**). The website is and interactive VR experience which transports you to the SPIRAL studio at the University of Huddersfield, UK where I mixed the piece in HOA. It includes some fascinating visualisation of the HOA soundfield done with Blue Ripple Sound’s O3A Flare (thanks Richard!). Be warned that the website is a bit slow to load and works best on desktop chrome/firefox (recent version). it does work for me with my iphone and google cardboard when I have a decent internet connection*. It also works well on desktop windows with the HTC Vive in Firefox. On the website you will hear a two channel binaural mix that I have done by re-recording different elements of the HOA mix in the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab (APL) listening room using a Neumann KU100 dummy head, and mixing that with direct sound (kick & bass) and 5OA decoded to binaural, where the room impression from the KU100 didn't work.
You can also listen to that binaural mix on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/olilarkin/pogo-sonicspecies-numinous-3d-binaural-mix <https://soundcloud.com/olilarkin/pogo-sonicspecies-numinous-3d-binaural-mix>
I've uploaded a 360 video version to both facebook and youtube, which both use head tracked binauralisers. There I am a bit less in control of the mix. It's interesting how different the bass and spatialisation sounds on facebook (where I've uploaded 2nd order Ambix audio) versus youtube (where I've uploaded 1st order Ambix audio)
Youtube 360 version: http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k
Facebook 360 version: http://goo.gl/9kZG5V <http://goo.gl/9kZG5V>
If anyone would like the high quality, uncompressed versions of the binaural mix or 1OA -> 5OA files to play in your studio please contact me directly.
I'm very interested to hear your feedback on this. If you “like” it please do click the button on facebook / soundcloud / youtube!
best regards,
Oli Larkin
www.olilarkin.co.uk <http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/>
* the music is 8 minutes long and is supplied as stereo track in a webm/mp4 video file. the video file is ~20 mb (webm) / ~40mb (mp4) . Originally I wanted to include options to render head tracked binaural on the website using omnitone.js, but I wasn’t able to implement that at this stage. What I really should do is do the visualisation as a shader thus losing the video, and meaning that 8 minutes of 16 channel TOA is reasonable.
** https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630 <https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630>
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Med venlig hilsen/Best regards

Søren Bendixen
Composer/Sound Designer/Producer

Winner of Monitor Industry Award 2016 for the exhibition “Gladiator”, At Moesgaard Museum

New album Music for exhibitions out 15 January 2017

Company: Søren Bendixen & Anette Krag
+45 60624394

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Oliver Larkin
2017-11-26 10:35:34 UTC
I made a mistake with the facebook 360 version of this.. here is a corrected version for anyone interested in comparing the binaural renderings:

https://goo.gl/XV9Kvw <https://goo.gl/XV9Kvw>

Post by Søren Bendixen
Very cool.
Post by Oliver Larkin
Dear surr-sounders,
Please check out a website I made numinous3d.com <http://numinous3d.com/> where I have done a 3D mix of a friend's track (which is currently in the top 10 on beatport.com <http://beatport.com/> psychedelic trance section**). The website is and interactive VR experience which transports you to the SPIRAL studio at the University of Huddersfield, UK where I mixed the piece in HOA. It includes some fascinating visualisation of the HOA soundfield done with Blue Ripple Sound’s O3A Flare (thanks Richard!). Be warned that the website is a bit slow to load and works best on desktop chrome/firefox (recent version). it does work for me with my iphone and google cardboard when I have a decent internet connection*. It also works well on desktop windows with the HTC Vive in Firefox. On the website you will hear a two channel binaural mix that I have done by re-recording different elements of the HOA mix in the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab (APL) listening room using a Neumann KU100 dummy head, and mixing that with direct sound (kick & bass) and 5OA decoded to binaural, where the room impression from the KU100 didn't work.
You can also listen to that binaural mix on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/olilarkin/pogo-sonicspecies-numinous-3d-binaural-mix <https://soundcloud.com/olilarkin/pogo-sonicspecies-numinous-3d-binaural-mix>
I've uploaded a 360 video version to both facebook and youtube, which both use head tracked binauralisers. There I am a bit less in control of the mix. It's interesting how different the bass and spatialisation sounds on facebook (where I've uploaded 2nd order Ambix audio) versus youtube (where I've uploaded 1st order Ambix audio)
Youtube 360 version: http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k
Facebook 360 version: http://goo.gl/9kZG5V <http://goo.gl/9kZG5V>
If anyone would like the high quality, uncompressed versions of the binaural mix or 1OA -> 5OA files to play in your studio please contact me directly.
I'm very interested to hear your feedback on this. If you “like” it please do click the button on facebook / soundcloud / youtube!
best regards,
Oli Larkin
www.olilarkin.co.uk <http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/>
* the music is 8 minutes long and is supplied as stereo track in a webm/mp4 video file. the video file is ~20 mb (webm) / ~40mb (mp4) . Originally I wanted to include options to render head tracked binaural on the website using omnitone.js, but I wasn’t able to implement that at this stage. What I really should do is do the visualisation as a shader thus losing the video, and meaning that 8 minutes of 16 channel TOA is reasonable.
** https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630 <https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630>
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Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Søren Bendixen
Composer/Sound Designer/Producer
Winner of Monitor Industry Award 2016 for the exhibition “Gladiator”, At Moesgaard Museum
New album Music for exhibitions out 15 January 2017
Company: Søren Bendixen & Anette Krag
+45 60624394
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Marc Lavallée
2017-11-26 15:01:15 UTC
Hi Oliver.

I did not compare both (I yet have to listen to it).
But I was able to download the video using youtube-dl.
I notice that the audio track have 8 channels,
for a total average bitrate of 347 Kbps.
That mean only 44 Kbps per channel!
Of course the codec is (now) designed for ambisonics,
so it could be that it performs well enough at such a low bit rate.

How would you compare the compressed version to the original?


Le Sun, 26 Nov 2017 10:35:34 +0000
Post by Oliver Larkin
I made a mistake with the facebook 360 version of this.. here is a
corrected version for anyone interested in comparing the binaural
https://goo.gl/XV9Kvw <https://goo.gl/XV9Kvw>
Post by Søren Bendixen
Very cool.
Den 3. nov. 2017 kl. 12.58 skrev Oliver Larkin
Dear surr-sounders,
Please check out a website I made numinous3d.com
<http://numinous3d.com/> where I have done a 3D mix of a friend's
track (which is currently in the top 10 on beatport.com
<http://beatport.com/> psychedelic trance section**). The website
is and interactive VR experience which transports you to the
SPIRAL studio at the University of Huddersfield, UK where I mixed
the piece in HOA. It includes some fascinating visualisation of
the HOA soundfield done with Blue Ripple Sound’s O3A Flare (thanks
Richard!). Be warned that the website is a bit slow to load and
works best on desktop chrome/firefox (recent version). it does
work for me with my iphone and google cardboard when I have a
decent internet connection*. It also works well on desktop windows
with the HTC Vive in Firefox. On the website you will hear a two
channel binaural mix that I have done by re-recording different
elements of the HOA mix in the Applied Psychoacoustics Lab (APL)
listening room using a Neumann KU100 dummy head, and mixing that
with direct sound (kick & bass) and 5OA decoded to binaural, where
the room impression from the KU100 didn't work.
I've uploaded a 360 video version to both facebook and youtube,
which both use head tracked binauralisers. There I am a bit less
in control of the mix. It's interesting how different the bass and
spatialisation sounds on facebook (where I've uploaded 2nd order
Ambix audio) versus youtube (where I've uploaded 1st order Ambix
Youtube 360 version: http://youtu.be/qUTNqWWIF0k
Facebook 360 version: http://goo.gl/9kZG5V <http://goo.gl/9kZG5V>
If anyone would like the high quality, uncompressed versions of
the binaural mix or 1OA -> 5OA files to play in your studio please
contact me directly.
I'm very interested to hear your feedback on this. If you “like”
it please do click the button on facebook / soundcloud / youtube!
best regards,
Oli Larkin
www.olilarkin.co.uk <http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/>
* the music is 8 minutes long and is supplied as stereo track in a
webm/mp4 video file. the video file is ~20 mb (webm) / ~40mb
(mp4) . Originally I wanted to include options to render head
tracked binaural on the website using omnitone.js, but I wasn’t
able to implement that at this stage. What I really should do is
do the visualisation as a shader thus losing the video, and
meaning that 8 minutes of 16 channel TOA is reasonable.
** https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630
<https://www.beatport.com/release/numinous/2132630> --------------
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Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Søren Bendixen
Composer/Sound Designer/Producer
Winner of Monitor Industry Award 2016 for the exhibition
“Gladiator”, At Moesgaard Museum
New album Music for exhibitions out 15 January 2017
Company: Søren Bendixen & Anette Krag
+45 60624394
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