[Sursound] Most Common Speaker Configurations for HOA Monitoring/Listening?
Len Moskowitz
2017-12-22 13:27:41 UTC
What speaker configurations are most common for monitoring/listening to
FOA and HOA sources?

We're configuring the speaker decoder for OctoMic, and would appreciate
hearing what you'd like to see included as a preset.

Len Moskowitz (***@core-sound.com)
Core Sound LLC
Home of TetraMic and OctoMic
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Fons Adriaensen
2017-12-22 14:17:12 UTC
Post by Len Moskowitz
What speaker configurations are most common for monitoring/listening
to FOA and HOA sources?
We're configuring the speaker decoder for OctoMic, and would
appreciate hearing what you'd like to see included as a preset.
Everyone working with AMB formats probably has the right decoder
for his/her studio setup. For decoding it doesn't matter what the
source of the AMB signal is. In other words, any software supporting
Octomic isn't required to provide its own decoder(s).

While recording on location headphone monitoring may be required.
All that takes is a first order stereo virtual mic pair (or
binaural rendering), and facilities to check the individual mic


A world of exhaustive, reliable metadata would be an utopia.
It's also a pipe-dream, founded on self-delusion, nerd hubris
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David Pickett
2017-12-22 16:30:01 UTC
Post by Len Moskowitz
We're configuring the speaker decoder for OctoMic
OctoMic is a new one on me. Are any details available of what it does?

Len Moskowitz
2017-12-22 17:19:49 UTC
Post by David Pickett
OctoMic is a new one on me. Are any details available of what it does?
Here's the press release from the recent AES Exhibition in NYC:


OctoMic prototype photos:

  www.core-sound.com/OctoMic/OctoMicPrototype1.jpg    (shown with


We expect to have first production model photos next week.

Len Moskowitz (***@core-sound.com)
Core Sound LLC
Home of TetraMic and OctoMic
