[Sursound] OctoMic and TetraMic B-format Files
Len Moskowitz
2018-04-13 16:27:54 UTC
At the bottom of this post are links to two B-format files (in ambiX
format) that highlight the improvement that OctoMic provides over any
1st-order ambisonic microphone, including our TetraMic.

OctoMic is the first 2nd-order ambisonic microphone commercially
available at reasonable cost. We introduced it two weeks ago.

TetraMic is the world's most accurate and popular 1st-order ambisonic
microphone. We introduced it in early 2007.

The two recordings are a short excerpt of a relaxed women's chorus
rehearsal, recorded in-the-round. Both OctoMic and TetraMic were
positioned near the center of a circle of 14 women singers. The two
microphones were positioned within a foot of each other.

The OctoMic recording was made on a Zoom F8. The TetraMic recording was
made on a Zoom F4.

Please listen with an ambisonic decoder that accepts 1st-order (four
channels) and 2nd-order (9 channels) B-format sound files. If you need
recommendations, please message us.

To get the full effect during playback, the minimum speaker
configuration we recommend is a 6-speaker hexagon ring.

What you'll hear is vastly improved location cues, over a much, much
larger listener's sweet spot.

Each OctoMic and TetraMic is precisely and individually calibrated. Its
unique calibration correction file is applied during A- to B-format
encoding, using the supplied encoder plug-in.

(For TetraMic, the B-format file was encoded with VVAudio's Visual
Virtual Microphone v3.5. For OctoMic, the B-format file was encoded with
VVOctoEncodeH v1.0.0.)

TetraMic file:

OctoMic file:

(You can see two photos of the recording session on Core Sound's
Facebook page.)

Len Moskowitz (***@core-sound.com)
Core Sound LLC
Home of OctoMic and TetraMic
Luke David Harris
2018-04-13 16:35:14 UTC
Hey Len,

Just listened to this in my 10 channel studio and the clarity is quite
something. Do you ship to the UK or have a dealership here?



Luke David Harris
[t] +447590 549 007

Sound for Film
[w] www.harris-audio.com
Post by Len Moskowitz
At the bottom of this post are links to two B-format files (in ambiX
format) that highlight the improvement that OctoMic provides over any
1st-order ambisonic microphone, including our TetraMic.
OctoMic is the first 2nd-order ambisonic microphone commercially available
at reasonable cost. We introduced it two weeks ago.
TetraMic is the world's most accurate and popular 1st-order ambisonic
microphone. We introduced it in early 2007.
The two recordings are a short excerpt of a relaxed women's chorus
rehearsal, recorded in-the-round. Both OctoMic and TetraMic were positioned
near the center of a circle of 14 women singers. The two microphones were
positioned within a foot of each other.
The OctoMic recording was made on a Zoom F8. The TetraMic recording was
made on a Zoom F4.
Please listen with an ambisonic decoder that accepts 1st-order (four
channels) and 2nd-order (9 channels) B-format sound files. If you need
recommendations, please message us.
To get the full effect during playback, the minimum speaker configuration
we recommend is a 6-speaker hexagon ring.
What you'll hear is vastly improved location cues, over a much, much
larger listener's sweet spot.
Each OctoMic and TetraMic is precisely and individually calibrated. Its
unique calibration correction file is applied during A- to B-format
encoding, using the supplied encoder plug-in.
(For TetraMic, the B-format file was encoded with VVAudio's Visual Virtual
Microphone v3.5. For OctoMic, the B-format file was encoded with
VVOctoEncodeH v1.0.0.)
(You can see two photos of the recording session on Core Sound's Facebook
Core Sound LLC
Home of OctoMic and TetraMic
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