[Sursound] New SPARTA release
McCormack Leo
2018-11-01 11:08:19 UTC
Hello all,

I’m pleased to announce a new release of the open-source SPARTA plug-in suite, for both Windows (x64) and MacOSX (10.9+). It includes: HOA decoders, a VBAP panner, Ambisonic visualisers, a microphone array to ambisonic convertor; amongst others.

Download Link: http://research.spa.aalto.fi/projects/sparta_vsts/
Source code: https://github.com/leomccormack/SPARTA

For those already familiar with the library, there have been some pretty substantial changes since the initial launch back in May, but some that spring to mind the most are:
- Added a new dedicated binaural Ambisonic decoder (AmbiBIN), with built-in and rotator for head-tracking via OSC messages, and a SOFA loader.
- All Ambisonic related plugins now support orders 1-7 in the one plug-in
- Thanks to the help of Daniel Rudrich, the relevant plug-ins now support importing/exporting of json files for the loudspeaker/source/microphone directions, which are cross-compatible with the IEM plug-in suite
- Windows versions of AmbiDEC and Binauraliser now also support SOFA loading.
- Warning messages are now displayed if there are insufficient number of channels for the current setting (this was catching me out occasionally too!)
- And a plethora of general bug fixes, major bug fixes, and minor improvements, which have no doubt introduced many more; hence the beta release ;)


P.S. Apologies, for any cross-posting

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Gary Gallagher
2018-11-02 04:29:10 UTC
Post by McCormack Leo
Hello all,
I’m pleased to announce a new release of the open-source SPARTA plug-in
suite, for both Windows (x64) and MacOSX (10.9+). It includes: HOA
decoders, a VBAP panner, Ambisonic visualisers, a microphone array to
ambisonic convertor; amongst others.
Download Link: http://research.spa.aalto.fi/projects/sparta_vsts/
Source code: https://github.com/leomccormack/SPARTA
For those already familiar with the library, there have been some pretty
substantial changes since the initial launch back in May, but some that
- Added a new dedicated binaural Ambisonic decoder (AmbiBIN), with
built-in and rotator for head-tracking via OSC messages, and a SOFA loader.
- All Ambisonic related plugins now support orders 1-7 in the one plug-in
- Thanks to the help of Daniel Rudrich, the relevant plug-ins now support
importing/exporting of json files for the loudspeaker/source/microphone
directions, which are cross-compatible with the IEM plug-in suite
- Windows versions of AmbiDEC and Binauraliser now also support SOFA loading.
- Warning messages are now displayed if there are insufficient number of
channels for the current setting (this was catching me out occasionally
- And a plethora of general bug fixes, major bug fixes, and minor
improvements, which have no doubt introduced many more; hence the beta
release ;)
P.S. Apologies, for any cross-posting
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Eero Aro
2018-11-06 10:05:46 UTC
Hi All

Not exactly a surround sound topic, but maybe it hasn't been mentioned
in Sursound yet, that the latest RX7 version from Izotope has now
support. RX plugins now have a maximum of seven audio channels.

I really have use for multichannel noise reduction, and would have had
ages ago. The Soundfield microphone recordings that I made with
different SFM models
were hissy. I often tried to record quiet ambiences and that's when the
mic's self noise
didn't sound good at all. I did try to do noise reduction with stereo
plugins, but you can
never know what happens to the phase differences between the signal
pairs and that
does bad to the sound image.

Gary Gallagher
2018-11-06 10:34:23 UTC
I noticed that. It doesn't recognize ambisonic but it will import a 4
channel file as quad. It might work, I'm not sure if it varies the
processing between channels in anyway.

Post by Eero Aro
Hi All
Not exactly a surround sound topic, but maybe it hasn't been mentioned
in Sursound yet, that the latest RX7 version from Izotope has now
support. RX plugins now have a maximum of seven audio channels.
I really have use for multichannel noise reduction, and would have had
ages ago. The Soundfield microphone recordings that I made with
different SFM models
were hissy. I often tried to record quiet ambiences and that's when the
mic's self noise
didn't sound good at all. I did try to do noise reduction with stereo
plugins, but you can
never know what happens to the phase differences between the signal
pairs and that
does bad to the sound image.
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Eero Aro
2018-11-06 19:40:01 UTC
Post by Gary Gallagher
I'm not sure if it varies the
processing between channels in anyway.
Well, the noise reduction two channel stereo version certainly keeps all
information intact and seems to treat stereo recordings well. I have
never heard
complaints or comments about that. Why would the multichannel version
work in
a different way?

Anyway, I need to try the multichannel noise reduction one of these
days. We'll
see then.

Paul Hodges
2018-11-06 19:49:37 UTC
Post by Eero Aro
RX plugins now have a maximum of seven audio channels.
Or as they say: "including Multi-channel support up to 7.1.2 Dolby
Atmos" which looks like ten channels to me.

Paul Hodges
Eero Aro
2018-11-06 19:58:41 UTC
Post by Paul Hodges
Or as they say: "including Multi-channel support up to 7.1.2 Dolby
Atmos" which looks like ten channels to me.
Doh! :-D You are right. There you see, I haven't even opened a
multichannel file
yet in RX7 and rush to write about this...

I'll find time to check about it.

Eero Aro
2018-11-07 11:21:55 UTC
I opened a four channel wav. with WXYZ first order signals into RX7.

At first sight looks good to me. The waveforms and spectrograms of
different audio
channels display as expected. The tracks are named by default L, R, Lsr,
Rsr, possibly
because this is a four channel wav file. With Ambisonics you need to
know yourself
that WXYZ are displayed as L, R, Lsr, Rsr.

You can select between "Wiew channels separately" and "Wiew sum of all

In Preferences, Channel routing the following channels are listed:
L, C, R, Lss, Rss, Lsr, Rsr, LFE, Lts and Rts, which are the Dolby Atmos
I assume that there are no frequency bandwidth limitations in any of the

Monitoring outputs of course know nothing about Ambisonics. Izotope
might easily
be interested in implementing Ambisonic track labeling and routing into
RX if we'd give
them active feedback.

When a multichannel file is active, the level meter at the bottom of the
main window
has a single meter bar.

The RX plugins seem to operate as expected, they affect on all audio
channels in the
same way. The first necessary plugins for me would be EQ, Level and
After that Noise Reduction. As with stereo, you can select the noise
sample from just
one channel or from several channels (as in stereo).

The specrum analyzer displays a separate curve for each audio channel
(as in stereo).

I don't have any third party multichannel plugins installed at the
moment, so I cannot
say anything about them. Stereo VST plugins don't open when a
multichannel audio
file is active.

I opened just a four channel wav. file, not any other Ambisonic file
formats yet.


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