[Sursound] Registration for WIMP2018 is open now
Hyunkook Lee
2018-07-12 16:55:31 UTC
Dear all,

Registration for WIMP2018 (the 4th Workshop on Intelligent Music Production) is now open. Book your place at www.wimp2018.tk<http://www.wimp2018.tk> The event will be from 9:30 to 17:30 on 14 Sep at Huddersfield University, UK. The registration fee is £25 including lunch and refreshment. A preliminary programme is also available on the website. It's promising to be a great event, and there will be some cool multichannel 3D audio demos too : ) If you are in the UK or near enough to come, it'd be great to see you on that day.

Best wishes,


Dr Hyunkook Lee, BMus(Tonmeister), PhD, MAES, FHEA
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Music Technology
Leader of the Applied Psychoacoustics Laboratory (APL)
http://www.hyunkooklee.com <http://www.hyunkooklee.com>
Phone: +44 (0)1484 471893
Email: ***@hud.ac.uk
Office: CE 2 /14a
School of Computing and Engineering
University of Huddersfield
United Kingdom
From: Hyunkook Lee
Sent: 23 June 2018 13:27
To: Surround Sound discussion group
Subject: [Sursound] Call for Contributions | the 4th Workshop on Intelligent Music Production (WIMP2018)

Dear Sursounders,

I'd like to invite you to present your spatial audio work at the 4th Workshop on Intelligent Music Production (WIMP2018), which will take place at the University of Huddersfield, UK on 14 Sep. We welcome submissions on all aspects of Intelligent Music Production, including spatial audio among others (automated mixing and mastering, semantic audio, machine learning, MIR, psychoacoustics, user interface, user experience, etc.).

Deadlines for submissions are
- 6 July for Papers
200 word abstract proposal; max. 3 page-long paper for the poster session)
The paper proposal should be submitted in pdf and be sent to ***@hud.ac.uk

- 20 July for Demos (200 word demo description with technical requirements)
For multichannel demos, two studios with up to 24 channels (3D) and a studio up to 8 channels (2D) would be available. If you would like to present multichannel works, please get in touch with me to discuss requirement: ***@hud.ac.uk

For more information about WIMP2018 and proceedings from past WIMP events, please visit www.wimp2018.tk<http://www.wimp2018.tk/>

Registration will open in mid July, with a full programme.

Best regards,

Dr Hyunkook Lee, BMus(Tonmeister), PhD, MAES, FHEA
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Music Technology
Leader of the Applied Psychoacoustics Laboratory (APL)
http://www.hyunkooklee.com <http://www.hyunkooklee.com>
Phone: +44 (0)1484 471893
Email: ***@hud.ac.uk
Office: CE 2 /14a
School of Computing and Engineering
University of Huddersfield
United Kingdom
University of Huddersfield inspiring tomorrow's professionals.
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