len moskowitz
2017-09-29 16:14:23 UTC
Zoom's new firmware update lets you record 360-degree audio using your
Zoom F8 MultiTrack Field Recorder and Sennheiser AMBEO VR Microphone.
Zoom released the new v4.0 firmware for their F8 recorder today. ItZoom F8 MultiTrack Field Recorder and Sennheiser AMBEO VR Microphone.
features support for first-order ambisonic microphones, including
We recommend using the F8's "Ambisonics A" mode. That mode configures
the F8 to record TetraMic's four A-format tracks, while also allowing
you to monitor in real-time via speakers or headphones.
By recording in A-format you'll retain the ability to apply your
TetraMic's unique calibration files. Those files make your TetraMic into
one of the world's finest ambisonic microphones. But even monitoring
without the calibration files, TetraMic is pretty fine.
At first listen, the Zoom monitoring function decode seems to be XY
using two virtual cardioid microphones. We haven't measured the patterns
yet, so we can't tell you what angle they selected between the virtual
Len Moskowitz (***@core-sound.com)
Core Sound LLC
Home of TetraMic